Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 1: Discerning the Voice of God Assignment


Well, here we are! Our FIRST week of our very FIRST ONLINE Bible Study. I am very excited to see what God has in store for us! Below you will find your weekly assignment. If you have any questions please email me.

Audio Download: Download Audio Session 1
Video Download: Download Video Session 1

Viewer Guide Answer Download: Download Answer Guide

View or listen to the audio/video download if you would like. Remember this is optional.

Read the Introduction, page 5 in your workbook.
Download the Viewer Guide answers if you are not opting to download audio/video.
Fill in answer guide on page 7 of your workbook
Read pages8-26 in your workbook and do the daily assignments.
Be prepared for our discussion question(s). I intend on posting these question(s) Friday.

I want to challenge you to take at least 30 minutes a day to devote to this study. Clear a spot in your closet, like I had to if need be. I promise, you will be glad you did :)

I will be praying for each of you this week. If you are in need of prayer for something specific that you are dealing with in your life, please email me.

Have a Blessed study week, girlfriends!


  1. Great blog. My friends referred me your site. It looks like everybody knows about it. Just me, until now. I'm going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.

  2. Are the other 5 weeks of this study available online for download also?

  3. Our 15 gals chose this study but we understand some use only the workbook and not the DVD and others use the workbook and DVD and still others use the book, workbook and DVD. How is this course designed for a women's study to get maximum impact?

  4. Good evening I have been battling fear. FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN......I desireally to do more for God's kingdom even having a career in doing work for the kingdom of God. I am seeking prayer that I will be led to my true destiny and calling.
