Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Several of you have been waiting for your workbooks to arrive. So we are taking a 1 week break to give everyone an opportunity to get their workbooks and complete sessions 1 & 2. Please take a moment to read the discussion questions from sessions 1 & 2 and comment. Keep in the Word and we will see y'all next week :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 2: The Holy Spirit ; Assignment

We are on week 2 of Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God Bible Study. If you are just now joining us, I recommend going ahead and doing week 2 with us and then try to find some time to go back and do week 1 when time permits.

If you haven't had an opportunity to participate in last week's discussion questions, please take a moment to do so. Otherwise, I feel like I'm all alone out here ;)

This week's downloads:

Video Session 2: Download Video Session 2
Audio Session 2:Download Audio Session 2
Answer Guide: Download Answers to Viewer Guide

View or listen to the audio/video download if you would like. Remember this is optional.

1. Fill in answers to Viewer Guide on Week 2, page 27 of your workbook

2. Read pages 28-44 in your workbook and do the daily assignments.

3. Be prepared for our discussion question(s). I intend on posting these question(s) Thursday- as I will be traveling on Friday

4. on an index card write the 5 M's in different colors and post on your bathroom mirror, in the car, on your computer- somewhere that you frequent so that you can begin to memorize these.

Friend, I will be praying for you this week as you work through session 2. I am praying that God will open your eyes and that your relationship with Him will continue to grow stronger and more intimate daily.

If you have a need for prayer, please email me and myself and the prayer team will be praying for your need.

Have a blessed week!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 1: Anticipating the Voice of God: Discussion Question

I don't know about you but Habakkuk's message really spoke to me this first week. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've taken Habakkuk's first approach (doubtful & accusatory) with God. I have asked God to write Habakkuk 2:1 onto the tablet of my heart; "I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me".

This weeks Discussion Questions:

1. This week Priscilla spoke about Expecting to hear God's voice, Waiting Patiently for it, plan to obey it, listening for God to speak & having Faith in it; which of these 5 areas do you tend to struggle the most with in your daily life?

2. What changes in your daily walk, if any, has the Holy Spirit been asking you to make as a result of this weeks study?

I encourage you to participate in the discussion questions. You would be amazed at how much we can learn from each other. If you do not feel comfortable posting your response, please feel free to EMAIL ME.

Monday, I will have Week 2 reading & assignment posted for you with links to the audio and video sessions.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 1: Discerning the Voice of God Assignment


Well, here we are! Our FIRST week of our very FIRST ONLINE Bible Study. I am very excited to see what God has in store for us! Below you will find your weekly assignment. If you have any questions please email me.

Audio Download: Download Audio Session 1
Video Download: Download Video Session 1

Viewer Guide Answer Download: Download Answer Guide

View or listen to the audio/video download if you would like. Remember this is optional.

Read the Introduction, page 5 in your workbook.
Download the Viewer Guide answers if you are not opting to download audio/video.
Fill in answer guide on page 7 of your workbook
Read pages8-26 in your workbook and do the daily assignments.
Be prepared for our discussion question(s). I intend on posting these question(s) Friday.

I want to challenge you to take at least 30 minutes a day to devote to this study. Clear a spot in your closet, like I had to if need be. I promise, you will be glad you did :)

I will be praying for each of you this week. If you are in need of prayer for something specific that you are dealing with in your life, please email me.

Have a Blessed study week, girlfriends!