Monday, October 11, 2010

Discerning the Voice of God Week 4 Assignment

I cannot believe we are already on week 4 of our study- only 2 more sessions to go. The time is going by so quickly, too quickly. I am so glad you decided to join me on this journey. This week we will be learning how God's voice reveals His character.

"With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments. Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law." Psalm 119:10, 18

This week's downloads:

Video Session 4: Download Video Session 4
Audio Session 4:Download Audio Session 4
Answer Guide: Download Answers to Viewer Guide

View or listen to the audio/video download if you would like. Remember this is optional.

1. Fill in answers to Viewer Guide on Week 4, page 65 of your workbook

2. Read pages 66-82 in your workbook and do the daily assignments.

3. Be prepared for our discussion question(s). I intend on posting these question(s) Friday and plan on scheduling a time to have an online 'chat' for those of you who are available to discuss what the Holy Spirit has been teaching us thus far.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. My friends referred me your site. It looks like everybody knows about it. Just me, until now. I'm going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.
