Thursday, August 26, 2010

Discerning the Voice of God Begins September 13th: Sign Up TODAY!

Welcome to our first online Bible Study! I am ecstatic to have you join our community! This 6 week study begins September 6th and is designed to help you know the voice of God: His language, character, and tone of voice. By growing closer to God through His Word, you will be able to discern God's voice from the voice of strangers.

Add a Comment below and tell us a little bit about your summer vacation :) Click on the 'subscribe by email' link so that you will receive notice when updates to this blog have been made as well as weekly assignments & events.


  1. my family & I had the opportunity to spend some time at the beach in Myrtle and hang out with my brother & sister-in-law. Oh, how I miss them already :(

  2. My family went to visit his Family in Texas. (AKA-Misty) it was a very boring time and I was able to catch up on 3 seasons of ANTM! Looking forward to this online study!

  3. It has been a pretty quiet vacations. My kids had a wonderful summer with Christian Camps and visiting friends from out-of-state. My hubby and I just stayed close to home. I am a runner, so it's been nice to get commune with nature.

  4. Hey everyone! It's Misty, your online Bible Study host! I'm going to ATTEMPT to post a video blog later on today. And be expecting an email from me just to verify everyone's email address. Oh, and make sure you order your workbook. but don't fret about not having it by Monday. You can begin when you get it :)

  5. I took my Dad to visit my brother in Colorado. I'm with Misty, I miss them and am trying to figure out how/when to go back for another visit.

  6. Welcome Video has been posted :) please take a moment to watch. Please be sure to give me your email address found on the bottom left of this site. so that you will receive an email with updates. I will be posting your weekly assignment in a moment. so stay tuned for that as well.

  7. Your weekly assignment is now posted. And I believe I have the 'kinks' worked out. You should now be getting updates sent to your email address- if you have put your email address in to place provided :)

  8. Great blog. My friends referred me your site. It looks like everybody knows about it. Just me, until now. I'm going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.
